Riotous Summer

from $30.00

“A riot is the language of the unheard.” - Martin Luther King Jr. - 1966

Summer of 2020 has become a year to remember. Peaceful protests are being used to bring awareness to the struggles and unfair treatment of so many. With the world going through a full pandemic and America imploding on social injustice; racial tensions are extremely high and Black America’s voice is not being heard. If America does not want the Malcom X philosophy, “It’s time to stop singing and starting swinging” to be the prominent theme, it better make some changes to the police force and structural inequalities that exist and have existed since the foundation of this country.

“By any means necessary.” - Malcolm X - 1965

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“A riot is the language of the unheard.” - Martin Luther King Jr. - 1966

Summer of 2020 has become a year to remember. Peaceful protests are being used to bring awareness to the struggles and unfair treatment of so many. With the world going through a full pandemic and America imploding on social injustice; racial tensions are extremely high and Black America’s voice is not being heard. If America does not want the Malcom X philosophy, “It’s time to stop singing and starting swinging” to be the prominent theme, it better make some changes to the police force and structural inequalities that exist and have existed since the foundation of this country.

“By any means necessary.” - Malcolm X - 1965

“A riot is the language of the unheard.” - Martin Luther King Jr. - 1966

Summer of 2020 has become a year to remember. Peaceful protests are being used to bring awareness to the struggles and unfair treatment of so many. With the world going through a full pandemic and America imploding on social injustice; racial tensions are extremely high and Black America’s voice is not being heard. If America does not want the Malcom X philosophy, “It’s time to stop singing and starting swinging” to be the prominent theme, it better make some changes to the police force and structural inequalities that exist and have existed since the foundation of this country.

“By any means necessary.” - Malcolm X - 1965